Class of 1977
Sonora Union High School
Welcome To our 45th Time Flies Reunion!

Those friends who have indicated they plan on attending
(Spouses names not listed, sorry)
Names in BOLD have RSVP'd
John Acker +1 |
Dennis Brooks |
Jeff Apland+ 1 |
Kristen Black Tackett |
James Archer +1 |
Dana Crawford Stemig + 1 |
Ron Bennett |
Katie (Dodge) Messer |
Peggy Cashman Herndon |
Kathy Fields |
Lisa De Lapp Melville +1 |
Emogene Gonzalez Perry |
Dianna Fouts Anderson |
Kathy Goodman Guptill +1 |
Lisa Gibson Vian +1 |
Kelly Kincheloe Flynn |
Lynda Henry Tusoni |
Sandy Kirschner Lee |
Janet Heuer Wellman +1 |
Rhondda Krueger Landreth +1 |
Doug James +1 |
Jim Opie +1 |
Ramona Killion Xavier +1 |
John Ratzlaff +1 |
Mat Mariscal +1 |
Doug Roper |
Craig Pedro + 1 |
Cheri Watson Farrell |
Doug Perry |
Steve Vallotton |
Glenn Scheller |
Kirt Wheeler Ferrari |
Becki Snyder Cowan |
Mark Wilson +1 |
Eric Schmidt |
Steve Terzich |
The following people have indicated they hope to be there, or are going to try
really hard to make it!